“My name is Simon D. and I am 21 years old. I passed through a lot of challenges during my childhood. Despite the challenges, I was a committed Christian and would not miss a church activity for anything. In 2016, I chose some wrong friends and began drinking heavily. Eventually, this made me start practicing bad vices such as fighting, going after prostitutes, and many other bad things. During that time, I was staying with my uncle who is a lecturer at the Copperbelt University. Due to my bad behavior, I was chased from his home. After being chased from home, my life became very difficult. I roamed the streets and stopped going to school. At times, I was apprehended by the police for theft cases. However, in November 2017, my life started changing when I met EHC-Zambia team who shared Jesus' Love with me. They asked me if I knew the significance of Christ dying for me on the cross of Calvary. I was given the Scripture booklet, 'Who Am I that a King Would Die in My Place?'. Before we finished reading the booklet, I knew that I needed to surrender my life to Christ. The EHC-Zambia team counseled me and I rededicated my life to God. I am now reformed and want to reconcile with my uncle. Please pray that I will be able to go back to school. I would very much appreciate that.” -Simon D., Zambia “Until February 14, 2018, I had taken no thought of why people give their lives to Jesus. On that day, I heard people in my village talking about Him from a distance. My son came running to me as I sat at the doorway of my house. He showed me what he had in his hand. It was a WMP Scripture booklet. He started reading to me, and I was touched by the words which were written in that booklet. My son asked who I wanted to serve. I told him to read more and in the process I asked him what I could do to serve Jesus. He then whistled to the neighbors who were a group of people from EHC-Zambia. Six of them came and helped me to give my life to the Lord. My son ran to our house because he thought we would miss this wonderful salvation. Thank God for the team from EHC-Zambia and my son for bringing this Gospel to me.” -Sellina M., Zambia
“My name is Emlan M. I was born in a Muslim family and taught the way of Islam. We learned that Jesus is only a prophet, like other prophets, and not the Son of God because God cannot have a Son. This is according to our Koran. I became confused when I was given your Scripture booklet, How to Know God, by a team from EHC-Zambia in February 2018. I got interested and wanted to follow the story of Jesus in full. What confused me is the fact that Jesus rose from the dead and He lives. No other prophet has a record that he died and rose from the dead. Our Koran agrees that Jesus lived as a prophet of God. Now, following His story in detail, I find that He rose from the dead to give life to those who believe in Him. No other prophet has lived to give life to others. This was my turning point to give my life to Christ. Thank God that I found Him through His Son and not just a prophet. The EHC-Zambia team are now teaching me how to know Christ more in their Christ group in which I am placed." -Emlan M., Zambia “I lead a team to the remote areas of the western province of Zambia every year. We have had amazing success evangelizing the lost sheep. Last year we had over seven hundred people saved. So far, seven churches have been planted and they continue to grow. Many of these people never heard of the name of Jesus prior to our arrival. We are walking in many of these areas and are limited (in regards to what we can take with us) due to the weight, bulk, and cost to carry very many Bibles. Having Scripture booklets to pass out has been a real blessing." -Jess N., U.S.A. "I used to drink beer every day. I don’t remember reaching home sober. My family never saw me in a sober state. I went to bed drunk and would start drinking early in the morning. People of my village nicknamed me 'the moving grave'. But April 11, 2018 was a different day for me. As I arrived home, I was met by people who were visiting my home. Seeing the state that I was in, one of them handed me a Scripture booklet. He never spoke a word...and they left. The following day, I sat down and tried to read. The bold words on top of the booklet read “The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ”. For the first time, I felt like I was in custody. I thank God that at the end of the booklet were instructions on how to pray to God for salvation. I did as I was instructed and I received such peace in my heart. For the very first time, my family saw me in a sober state and I started reading that booklet to my family members. After a few days, I called the number that was on the back of the booklet and one of the EHC Zambia team members answered. I thank God that my family has since joined a Christ group. I was snatched from fire by the Word in this booklet." Siampeyo C., Zambia “I met my youngest daughter when she was coming out from school with a small booklet, Bukwasho Bwa Kufma Mwiulu [Help From Above], in Kaonde language. I was very surprised to see where she got it, but she told me that she just picked it up on the roadside. I’m a preacher and secretary of Prison Fellowship Zambia with six prisons under my supervision. I have no tracts to use and distribute to our inmates who are behind bars. Those who are there have no access of coming out to go and hear the word of salvation. It might be better if you can send me some to use and whenever you have some [booklets], you may use our address.” -Wilson N., Zambia, Africa
December 2024