“Following the tragic loss of his wife, 38-year-old Tesfaye found himself in a state of profound despair and hopelessness. Unable to cope with the challenges of life, he relinquished the care of his son to his concerned family, feeling powerless and adrift in a sea of grief and uncertainty.
I met Tesfaye on the street and he shared his heartache and struggles. I offered him the booklet Help from Above. Tesfaye went home, read, and reread the teachings of the booklet, finding comfort, clarity and a renewed sense of purpose. “We formed a friendship and his heart gradually opened to the transformative love of the Lord Jesus Christ, culminating in a profound moment of spiritual surrender and acceptance. Tesfaye experienced a miraculous turn around in his life. His business flourished, his mind regained clarity, and his heart overflowed with love and gratitude as he joyfully reunited with his son.” –Rev. Samuel B., Ethiopia
"Your generosity and commitment to spreading the message of hope and faith is truly commendable. I am confident these transformational tools (Scripture booklets) will touch the lives of many in my beloved country of Ethiopia. The power of the Gospel is immeasurable...to bring about positive change and uplift the lives of my people. Through your generosity, you are giving light to those in need and helping to build a stronger, more compassionate community."
-Samuel B. The demand for booklets is growing as many organizations learn of the resources offered by WMP. New Covenant Missions of Ethiopia is a new contact, with 200 missionaries excitedly and patiently waiting for close to 1,402,000 booklets. Our national coordinator in Ethiopia just received a 40’ container of booklets that will quickly be sent out to waiting distributors.
When Oromiffa Scripture booklets were distributed in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia, Joseph O. wrote, “Thousands of people in the most remote and tribal places on earth are being evangelized.” He was happy to note that every single Scripture booklet previously sent had been passed out, and they were needing another year’s worth. S.B. of Ethiopia Every Home for Christ wrote, “Booklets should help us share words of life and truth with the lost around us. Most of the lost world that we seek to reach will never enter a church building to hear the truth proclaimed through preaching from a pulpit. So, we must go to the people with the precious seed of the Gospel. In my own life, I discovered a gospel booklet on the ground in the subway system. That gospel booklet was one of the many things God used to work in my life and draw me to Himself.” Leges, 78 years old, was a well-known witch. She had lived her entire life in a house where demons were worshiped. One day, a Christian visiting relatives in the area boldly went to Leges’ house to share the gospel. A struggle began within her as she listened to the message. Finally, a calm came over her. As she clearly heard and understood the gospel, she received the Lord as her Savior. As a result of giving up her witchcraft, she lost her source of income and her husband evicted her. This testimony of Leges is one of many from across Ethiopia. Gospel workers, armed with World Missionary Press Scripture booklets, go into villages and homes, proclaiming life-giving truths through words and actions. An internal conflict between government and rebel forces has seen thousands die in Ethiopia, with more than a million people displaced. Reports now warn that nearly half a million Ethiopians are facing starvation. Into such uncertainties and desperation, the Word of God brings hope. WMP’s national coordinator confirmed the open doors to share the booklets and the timely need. “Praise God that Christ is setting people free,” EHC Ethiopia wrote. “Anteneh B. is a street boy who committed lots of sins and was in jail many times. But a simple gospel booklet changed his life. Nobody had told him about Jesus before, because they were afraid to approach him. He shares: ‘But this booklet told me who Jesus is. A lady gave me this booklet, and I accepted Jesus through that message. If Jesus [were] not my Savior, my life [would have] ended up in the maximum-security prison where the worst criminals are sent.'" A 40-foot container with 1.3 million booklets in Amharic and Oromiffa is in line for production. The booklets are being well received and effective. Millions face an empty tomorrow. Now is the day of salvation.
“Praise God that Christ is setting people free! Anteneh B. is a street boy who committed lots of sins and was in jail many times. But a simple Gospel booklet changed his life. Nobody told him about Jesus before because they were afraid to approach him. He shares: ‘But this booklet told me who Jesus is. One of the ladies from Every Home for Christ gave me this booklet, and I accepted Jesus through that message. If Jesus [were] not my Savior, my life [would] end up in the maximum- security prison where the worst criminals are sent.’ ” -Aynalem, Ethiopia |
December 2024