In South Africa, Pastor M and his team of volunteers handed out The Way to God booklets along with food parcels. They reported that the community was highly appreciative not only for the relief parcels but also for the Scripture booklets as they were printed in the vernacular languages, making them easy to understand and share. Volunteers were able to continue to spread the gospel despite the limitations of a lockdown. “Many pastors have been requesting The Way to God booklets as they have seen how people value them. Many people have turned to Christ amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and need guidance. This booklet makes the work of the evangelist very easy.”
With a band of young criminals, Barto began robbing churches! During one robbery he saw a backpack and took it along. In it, he found a Bible with some literature. As he read and reread The Way to God, a Scripture booklet that had been tucked in the Bible, confusing emotions filled his heart. He felt hope, but also a deep sense of guilt pressed on his heart for things he had done. With a sense of urgency, he called the phone number inside the Bible and found someone who tenderly led him to faith in Christ. By her own testimony, 36-year-old Claudette lived a drug-controlled life of debauchery and delinquency. Unmarried, and with two children to care for, she felt friendless and needy. One day visitors came to her African village. They told her about Jesus and gave her a Scripture booklet. As Claudette realized that only Jesus could forgive her sins and give her His salvation, she received Him as her Savior, deciding to let Him guide her life. Now she says, “I am glad that The Way to God booklet is helping me in my relationship with Christ.” In early April Ben B. requested 10,000 copies of The Way to God Scripture booklet in Spanish and as many Spanish New Testaments as we could provide. He and The Way of the Cross Ministries, long-time partners of World Missionary Press, were setting up a drive-through food give-away in their Texas hometown and were completely out of WMP literature! After receiving the Scripture booklets and 1,000 New Testaments, and opening up the drive-through food bank, Ben sent an update: “We have seen 2,520 salvations in the past three weeks! This is one of the good things that has come out of this desperate time in America’s life. People are turning to Jesus. Praise the Lord!” We put things in our pockets every day without thinking: loose change, business cards, gum wrappers. We never consider that an item we drop in might have a transformative effect on our lives, but that was the case for Hakiziyaremye Vianney. Vianney was selling goats and sheep in Rwanda’s crowded Rugarama street market when he noticed a sudden burst of activity. People were fighting to receive booklets from a group of EHC evangelists. Curious, Vianney took one and glanced at it before absentmindedly slipping it into his pocket.
“He was a drunkard and was beating his wife every day,” says Ananie Bagaragaza, the EHC National Director of Rwanda. “He wasn’t interested in hearing the Gospel.” When Vianney came home that night, he emptied his pockets and didn’t even notice the gospel booklet, The Way to God, drop onto the table. Propping up his feet to relax, he asked his wife, Everyne, to bring him a glass of water. When Everyne didn’t respond, he looked up, irritated that he had been ignored. To his surprise, she was coming toward him slowly, carrying a glass of water in one hand and reading the gospel booklet with the other. “The content of the whole booklet pleased her,” Ananie says, “but the message on page 43, where it said Jesus is the only way to God, deeply penetrated her heart.” Annoyed that a piece of paper had stolen Everyne’s attention from him, Vianney stormed off to a bar. When he returned hours later, Everyne was still reading the gospel booklet. At that point, Vianney’s annoyance turned to curiosity, and he asked to read the booklet for himself. “After reading, I thought immediately of God and my death,” Vianney says. “That night, I had a dream.” In Vianney’s dream, he was on the verge of death and surrounded by a crowd of people. With cruel laughter, they told him that, because he had rejected Jesus, it was too late for him to receive salvation. Desperation and regret washed over Vianney. Suddenly, a tall, strong man emerged from the crowd and had compassion on him. This man told Vianney that it wasn’t too late. When Vianney shared his dream with Everyne the next morning, she was thankful that God had used it to reach her husband. They immediately went to a Christian church near their village, and the pastor prayed with them. The couple accepted Christ, and it wasn’t long before their entire family of eight was saved. “The amazing thing is that they were baptized together,” says Ananie. “On Christmas Eve, they were both baptized.” Today, Vianney and Everyne’s marriage is transformed. They are being discipled by a pastor, and they regularly volunteer in EHC home-to-home evangelism. Everywhere Vianney goes, he carries a pocketful of gospel booklets to share with others whenever he has the chance. “Now, I and all my family are baptized and have Jesus as our Savior,” Vianney says. “It is all because of a gospel booklet. Praise God!” Every Home For Christ uses our literature to reach the lost all over the world. This article was taken from their webpage with permission. “Firstly I would like to thank you and . . . everyone who helped in the printing of booklets you send me. 'Let’s Praise the Lord' booklets make a lot of people turn to see what we are doing on stages throughout Zimbabwe, when everyone was invited to 'His Praise Choir'. A lot of people just fell on the spot and start crying, tearing their clothes because of evil spirits, . . . when we were reading through the booklet with them, because the power of God was working in them and the demons were driven away. A lot of people decided to join us and pray with us. We appeared in the most sinful place in Zimbabwe (Mbare) and preached the Word of God. One woman came [out of] the crowd and climbed on the stage and repented of her witchcraft. She said she had killed many people but now she needed to let Jesus forgive her and she said she needed to be baptized. In Mbare we have a very big shortage of booklets because a lot of people there showed so much interest in reading and obeying God and stopped their bad deeds. So many people were much excited and almost in tears by the booklets, 'Who Am I That A King Would Die in My Place?' and 'The Way to God'. I don't know how I can thank you for the parcels you send me. Only God knows how pleased and happy I am. The most exciting is that the parcels you send me are almost finished during distribution of the Word of God and they are in demand now. So may you please help me again with hundreds or thousands of booklets. . . containing the Word of our holy God. Please teach me how to be a professional distributor, leader, or anything you need to teach me about God so that I can . . . be a missionary or any good man on earth. Yours, a fifteen-year-old boy in need.” -Simbarashe M., Zimbabwe, Africa
December 2024