Pastor Sandro, who partners with EHC Uruguay, believes in the booklet ministry. Sandro was a homeless person who slept with wrapped cardboard on the streets of Brazil. One day someone threw a New Testament and an evangelistic tract through his cardboard. They caught his attention and he began to read. “Before long he turned his life over to the Lord and began the process of getting his life back. That is how literature helped him get out of his addictions.”
While dealing with new routines, many have discovered new opportunities to share the Word of God. In West Virginia, Jennifer R. serves the homeless through a local rescue mission. She requested a variety of Bible study booklets for small groups of ten or less (“these people do not have access to the internet”) as well as the small coloring books for children. “Our community is hurting for Christ.… Due to COVID-19, our initial outreach plans have changed, but we are still diligently sending out the Word of the Lord through every avenue possible at this turbulent time. Thank you so much for all that you do in seeing that the gospel reaches the nations!” “I have recently changed jobs and am now working at Pacific Garden Mission. You noticed I changed my address to have the booklets sent to me at work. We serve about 200 homeless women at any given time in our guest services department and we share the Gospel with them. I heard you have this new booklet ("Who Do You Say That I Am?") and I would like to use it to share more about the Lord Jesus with the homeless ladies I serve. God bless you as you work for HIM!" -Coleen B., IL, U.S.A. “My mother used to share WMP Scripture booklets until she passed two years ago. I promised her I would pass out whatever booklets she had when she died. I know that everyone hears about the Lord differently and if this can help people come to the Lord, I will do what I can to further the Kingdom. I will be handing them out when providing meals to the homeless at a day shelter. Thank you for providing them for me.” -Jan V., FL, U.S.A. “I learned about WMP from a woman in Walmart who handed The Way to God booklet to my daughter. I thought that it was an excellent way to inspire someone to read the Bible. I also saw your website on the booklet. My plan is to give the Scripture booklets out during our times of ministry. We go to inner cities in the surrounding states to help the homeless. We give out hygiene packets usually consisting of soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. We also distribute socks, shoes, hats, gloves, sleeping bags, water bottles, bags, and whatever else is donated or is needed for that specific area at that time. In addition to those natural necessities, we wanted to share Gospel literature that people could carry on their person. Your Scripture booklets will be perfect!" -Kelly D., U.S.A.
There are so many ways to share the Love of Jesus, along with WMP literature, while complying with local laws and customs. In certain parts of the world, people hang jackets on trees for homeless and poor people during the winter. Jesus told us to share the Gospel and to "clothe the naked". Strategically placing WMP Scripture booklets in the pockets of clothing that we give to others is a beautiful way of addressing the deepest spiritual need of mankind, while supplying other basic, human necessities! Another great way to share WMP Scripture booklets with the homeless is to place them in ziplock bags, along with toiletries, sanitary items, non-perishable food items, and whatever the Lord may be leading you to give. Please email me at [email protected] to share creative ideas that the Lord has given you to distribute WMP literature. I'd love to share them with our entire network! A final note of common sense and clarity: In the first example, we are referring to clothing that you or your organization rightfully own and have permission to distribute. Please don't do this with garments which are on display in stores. Blessings! Joe Chadburn WMP Ambassador Network Coordinator “Your booklets will be placed in 700 backpacks to give to the homeless. I am the director of public relations at Backpacks of Hope, a nonprofit organization based out of Fort Wayne, Indiana. What we do at Backpacks of Hope is give the homeless backpacks full of hygiene products, food, clothing, and more. We play a very important role as often homeless shelters run out of space to house people. So our role is to supply the homeless with the basic items to live on, not to mention how we inspire hope for the hopeless. Last year we gave around 200 backpacks to the Wheelers Mission men’s shelters. My personal goal this year is to give over 700 backpacks away to the men’s and women’s and children’s shelters.”
-Sredrick T., Indiana “Just wanted to share something with you. The coloring books and booklets arrived safely. Yesterday afternoon (Sunday) we had a large outreach in the inner city of Cincinnati. We provided clothing, hot meals, games, and treats for the children, and personal supplies for the adults and children. We distributed Bibles, your coloring books and booklets, had worship services, and a lot of personal one-on-one prayer with individuals. Your coloring books and tracks are being used with great reception. Our crowds yesterday were homeless, drug and alcohol addicted, prostitutes, gang members, and other marginalized people. Many decisions were made and many tears shed. Thanks for helping us." -Don Y., Cincinnati, OH, USA |
December 2024