"I was drug-addicted, fond of violence, lawless and ungodly." That's how David, who writes from Zimbabwe, describes his old way of life.
"Then one Sunday morning on my way to town I picked up a small piece of paper from a booklet." On the scrap of paper, torn from a piece of Gospel literature, David found words from the Bible: "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly...His delight is in the law of the Lord." As David knew firsthand, Zimbabwe is filled with as much violence and drug abuse as any country of the world. But God offered blessing and delight to those who rested in Him. "Since that Sunday morning," David writes, "I've become a new person in Christ. I'm now a Sunday school teacher at a Christian farm school with sixty Bible students." Today, David gives out Scripture booklets, like the one that changed his life. He says Gospel literature is effective because the Word works! Taken with permission from Page 56 of 'The Word Works' (A compilation of WMP literature testimonies), by Mark Ward, Sr.
God's Word does work- and sometimes in mysterious, or at least ingenious, ways.
One of the great missionary challenges today is getting the Gospel of Christ into North Korea, perhaps the most closed country in the world. Under longtime communist dictatorship, North Korea has ruthlessly suppressed all religions. Yet where there's a will (God's Will) there's a way. One mission agency found such a way. The group purchased high-quality, bright-orange balloons, each in the shape of a large square pillow. On the balloons they printed all forty-eight pages of a Korean-language Scripture booklet entitled How to Know God. Then the Scripture balloons were filled with helium and floated across the North Korean border at night. Thousands of balloons were floated beyond the reach of North Korea's two million soldiers and landed softly on farms, villages, and city streets. When they could, Communist officials angrily confiscated the balloons. But that's all right. Reports have indicated that communists read them too. Taken with permission from Page 134 of 'The Word Works' (A compilation of WMP literature testimonies), by Mark Ward, Sr. He heard the sound of crying. It could only be his wife. For two years their marriage had been childless and unhappy. they'd fought and shouted. If she'd cried before, it was only from anger or frustration.
But the sound he now heard was different. His wife sounded not angry, but broken. He went to her and found her, her body shaking with sobs, her eyes red with tears. At first she said little but held out to him a small booklet. It was a Christian booklet with verses from the Bible. Then between her sobs, his wife confessed a terrible secret. She'd been trying to kill him by witchcraft. The witch doctor in their African village had given her power, she said, even to handle snakes without being harmed. But the Christian booklet showed her that power belonged to God alone. Only He had the power of life and death. Only He had the power to hear her sins and forgive them. All that night the two of them prayed to the Christian God. Even when the sun rose in the sky once more, still they prayed and confessed their sins. They asked Jesus to be their Savior. The evil of witchcraft was broken. And in the Love of God they were able to love each other. Taken with permission from Page 14 of 'The Word Works' (A compilation of WMP literature testimonies), by Mark Ward, Sr. “We are on furlough from Costa Rica. I came across a few hundred of these booklets in a closet in our camp in Costa Rica. I read through a booklet and loved how it presented the gospel. We used these booklets in our ministry—evangelism and medical outreach. It was amazing to see God work. We had distributed over 400 booklets to the people of Costa Rica and refugees and saw in a year over 200 people making decisions for Christ. I will use them for evangelism.” -Robert B., Canada
“I am 15 years of age and live in Ghana. I was a bad boy at first, but now I have changed for the better. Before I became a Christian, a friend of mine gave me some of your booklets to read. I became convinced and received Jesus! I am also growing as my friend keeps preaching to me. I believe that your booklets can change people who are sinners for the better, so I want you to send me copies to give out. I promise not to keep them to myself."
-Nana, Ghana, Africa “For fifteen years I’ve been addicted to doing drugs and have lost about everything anyone could lose. Cocaine cost me a marriage, a business, a house, friends, trust, shame, guilt, and even hope. I was to a point that I didn't care whether I lived or died. I was arrested and put in jail and all I had left in life was the love of my parents, sister, brothers, and children, which, of course, I felt like I didn’t deserve. One day, while feeling sorry for myself, I picked up a little Bible study book on Revelation, ‘Joy.’ The rest is history anew! That booklet was the steppingstone to bring me back to God, and gave me a deep love and devotion to Christ Jesus. I now spend 3 to 5 hours a day in the Bible, and let me tell you, I can’t get enough! I’m so hungry for the Word, I want to know everything and I want to share it with everyone. I’ve brought at least a couple of other lost inmates to Jesus with just my testimony and limited knowledge of the Word. God bless all of you there who assist Jesus by distributing His Word. If there are any more of those ‘Joy’ Bible studies, or any other learning material that you could send, I would be eternally grateful and happy to pass the Word on to others.”
- Richard B., Indiana, USA “I wanted to report to you on the success of our trip to Navrongo, Ghana, and the tremendous blessing the booklets we had taken were to the people. I have never seen such hunger for the gospel. We handed out thousands of booklets in the streets and marketplace. One young man came up to me and said, ‘Sir, I am a Muslim, but I want to be a Christian. Please pray for me so I can be saved.’ Throughout our crusade we recorded the names of over seven hundred persons who had given their lives to Christ. With over 5,000 booklets dispersed, we are believing for a continuing harvest of souls. We planted a new church with more than two hundred attending. A pastor who was trained and ready from the South stayed behind to shepherd this new flock of believers. He will continue to target the Hausa people with the booklets in their language. That first Sunday we distributed A Bible Study on John booklets to initiate their Sunday school. We are deeply grateful for your contribution to the advance of our Lord’s Kingdom. Your booklets were outstanding tools that helped us succeed in our mission.” - Ken P., Ghana, Africa
We put things in our pockets every day without thinking: loose change, business cards, gum wrappers. We never consider that an item we drop in might have a transformative effect on our lives, but that was the case for Hakiziyaremye Vianney. Vianney was selling goats and sheep in Rwanda’s crowded Rugarama street market when he noticed a sudden burst of activity. People were fighting to receive booklets from a group of EHC evangelists. Curious, Vianney took one and glanced at it before absentmindedly slipping it into his pocket.
“He was a drunkard and was beating his wife every day,” says Ananie Bagaragaza, the EHC National Director of Rwanda. “He wasn’t interested in hearing the Gospel.” When Vianney came home that night, he emptied his pockets and didn’t even notice the gospel booklet, The Way to God, drop onto the table. Propping up his feet to relax, he asked his wife, Everyne, to bring him a glass of water. When Everyne didn’t respond, he looked up, irritated that he had been ignored. To his surprise, she was coming toward him slowly, carrying a glass of water in one hand and reading the gospel booklet with the other. “The content of the whole booklet pleased her,” Ananie says, “but the message on page 43, where it said Jesus is the only way to God, deeply penetrated her heart.” Annoyed that a piece of paper had stolen Everyne’s attention from him, Vianney stormed off to a bar. When he returned hours later, Everyne was still reading the gospel booklet. At that point, Vianney’s annoyance turned to curiosity, and he asked to read the booklet for himself. “After reading, I thought immediately of God and my death,” Vianney says. “That night, I had a dream.” In Vianney’s dream, he was on the verge of death and surrounded by a crowd of people. With cruel laughter, they told him that, because he had rejected Jesus, it was too late for him to receive salvation. Desperation and regret washed over Vianney. Suddenly, a tall, strong man emerged from the crowd and had compassion on him. This man told Vianney that it wasn’t too late. When Vianney shared his dream with Everyne the next morning, she was thankful that God had used it to reach her husband. They immediately went to a Christian church near their village, and the pastor prayed with them. The couple accepted Christ, and it wasn’t long before their entire family of eight was saved. “The amazing thing is that they were baptized together,” says Ananie. “On Christmas Eve, they were both baptized.” Today, Vianney and Everyne’s marriage is transformed. They are being discipled by a pastor, and they regularly volunteer in EHC home-to-home evangelism. Everywhere Vianney goes, he carries a pocketful of gospel booklets to share with others whenever he has the chance. “Now, I and all my family are baptized and have Jesus as our Savior,” Vianney says. “It is all because of a gospel booklet. Praise God!” Every Home For Christ uses our literature to reach the lost all over the world. This article was taken from their webpage with permission. "Good morning and God bless you!!!
May the Lord fill your day with His presence and comfort your heart with the knowledge that your ministry through World Missionary Press continues to impact the lives of thousands in Honduras, one of the most violent, dangerous and corrupt countries in the world. Through your partnership with Harrell Family Missions and the Children's Gift Ministry many thousands of lives have been reached, touched and changed by the word of God and the scripture booklets that you provide for us to distribute in evangelism events throughout the country. This year alone the Back to classes with Jesus program, an out reach of the Children's Gift Ministry, plans to reach its goal of reaching 30,000 children in 200 locations across the country. Through this program children ages 6-12 are invited to a community-wide evangelism event where many will give their hearts to Jesus. Each child receives a backpack filled with school supplies enabling them to get off of the streets, out of the reach of the gangs and back into school.... Because of the partnership we are able to include World Missionary Press scripture booklets into every backpack! We also preach from the booklets having the children open their's and follow us as we read the Scriptures. World Missionary Press scripture booklets are also used to help new Pastors in church planting. They help existing churches in discipleship, men's, women's, youth and children's groups. For many churches this is the only literature that they will have. For some Christians this is the closest they will have to a Bible of their own. The National Youth Department in Honduras requests our partnership regularly as they distribute World Missionary Press Scripture booklets in citywide evangelism events. There's just no telling the tens of thousands of souls that have come to Christ because of World Missionary Press and your partnership with Harrell Family Missions and the Children's Gift Ministry in Honduras - THANK YOU!!!!" “The Lord is doing great things with the booklets you sent us. We have had some wonderful experiences in the Lord this week while passing them out. A young man from Peru had refused a booklet or Bible from Erich for the last two weeks, even though he hung around and watched us. A few days ago he came up to Erich and asked him to pray for him and his wife and children in Peru. Erich prayed for him and then he came to our prayer meeting on Saturday evening. Yesterday he asked if he could pass out booklets with us. He was great among the Spanish speaking people. He even took a Watchtower [pamphlet] out of one man's hand and told him we were the ones with the truth and gave him a booklet. He also spoke to him about Jesus. Another girl came and asked to pass booklets. I thought she was a Christian and said yes. About an hour later she said to me, 'I would like to ask Jesus to come into my heart.' We prayed with her right there and she received Jesus. Last night 20 people showed up at the tent. Most of them were from one family. The mother, 78 years old, had an unbelieving husband. For 18 years he used to beat her and even stabbed her in the face with a knife. She cried out to the Lord that she was going to be killed. The Lord told her she would not die but would be the mother of many nations. She had 10 children. Today many are married to [people of] different nationalities. Some live in Germany, Switzerland, and America. One was a missionary in the Philippines and now has a husband from there. This woman was faithful and is a beautiful woman now because of her endurance. We found out that the guard was too scared to come out of his trailer in the tent last week when the ropes were cut and some of the tent collapsed. Not only are we talking to the Jehovah's Witnesses on the streets; they are even coming to our house. Please pray for Luigie and Johanna. This is the third time he has come to our house. Josh speaks good Italian so is able to communicate for us. He is looking up the false prophecies and will bring us the articles Friday. Both of them were shocked when they admitted to us that they could not understand the Bible but realized that we could. Johanna asked if we were evangelists. When we said yes, she took a booklet of ours from her purse and showed it to us. It had been placed in her mailbox. We had not put it there. Two Muslims accepted the Lord last week. Yesterday a man from the Jordan made arrangements to speak to Erich about Jesus after reading one of the booklets. Please pray for him. He told Erich if he prayed to Jesus he could never go back to the Muslims. The Lord is drawing him; pray that he will follow. “This is our second year here. . . . We give out about 1,500 [tracts] a day. Throngs of people are coming from all over the world to have their sins forgiven by going through the special doors appointed by the Pope. Most of them will take the tracts, and some will talk with us. It's very hot and humid in the city now, so the people are in a hurry. They will put the tracts in their pockets or purse. Some will read them right away, and a few will stop and talk to us. When they do, we are usually able to lead them to the Lord. Yesterday after giving out tracts, we went to McDonalds for lunch. A young medical student shared our table. After a nice conversation about the Lord, she asked Jesus to come into her heart. Please keep us in your prayers as we have many important decisions to make. We are checking on building near the terminal for an outreach center for meetings during the day. We know more people would come to a Bible study that’s close to the terminal."
-Erich G., Rome, Italy |
September 2024