Dear WMP Ambassadors, During this season, I am especially reminded of the kenosis (emptying) of Christ. The very thought that the One Who created and sustains all things laid down His divine privileges and became one of us (begotten, not made) is mind-boggling. The truth that He will forever be one of us, while still being fully God, in His glorified, risen, and ascended "earth suit" is something which transcends my understanding while quickening my spirit! The revelation that we are one body, in Him, seated in heavenly places with delegated authority to function on this earth from the realm of the Spirit, and His fully accepted and beloved daughters and sons ought to bring us all great encouragement. The story of Immanuel's journey is truly amazing. He came as a baby, fully dependent upon Mary and Joseph, modeled and taught what it means to be truly human, and plumbed the ultimate depths of human suffering and humiliation in order to arise and shine through us- His Body! Words can't express my deep appreciation for the Christ in all of You- Who is the Hope of Glory! Thanks so much for representing Him and World Missionary Press with such excellence throughout 2022! You are LOVED and appreciated beyond what words can express. Merry Christmas and an Abundantly Blessed New Year! Yours In Christ, Joe Chadburn WMP Ambassador Network Director
Dear WMP Ambassadors,
As I reflect on the past year, I am exceedingly thankful for our Creator and Friend, JESUS- The Word made flesh, Who identifies with us today just as fully as He did in His birth, life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. He is our Peace in the midst of turmoil, our Comforter in the midst of pain, our Clarity in the midst of confusion, our Joy in the midst of sorrow, and so much more. He is truly our “All-In-All”! By His Love, Faith, and Grace, you have continued to preach the Gospel, distribute literature, and share His Love in manifold ways at home and around the globe. Our work would be so incomplete without you! Thanks so much for representing Him and World Missionary Press with such excellence throughout 2021! You are Loved and appreciated beyond what words can express. Merry Christmas and an Abundantly Blessed New Year! Yours In Christ, Joe Chadburn WMP Ambassador Network Director “We had another container with booklets, 40-foot this time. It came with more than two million booklets from World Missionary Press, everything paid for, up to the storage rooms. What a blessing, dear friends! We are so blessed with our partnership with WMP. God is so good to us, and we do know that He loves the lost in Madagascar. We printed a special tract for the festive season, with stress on a salvation message and that a Saviour was born for us, not so much [focused] on Christmas but on Christ. We praise the Lord that we visited more than 161,000 homes in six cities in three provinces during December. All this was done before Christmas Day. What a joy, dear friends! God is so good to us. So many people responded positively to the gospel message. I think I can say, as we look at reports from our distributors, this was the best-ever distribution project we’ve had. Of the 161,000 + people who received the gospel message, 12,329 responded positively to the way of salvation message. In general, we use 1+1 of WMP booklets and an additional tract printed for the season, depending on the time of the year. Our next project will be Passover, and it will take place halfway down on our west coast—a large city and surrounding villages. We plan to visit 80,000 homes.” -Dries D., Madagascar
“I am a disabled veteran, 65 years of age, and have a street ministry in which I play Christian hymns and Christmas carols on my 91-year-old Silver Saxophone on the intersections under the freeway overpasses in San Antonio, Texas. As traffic stops for a red light, they respond to my playing with smiles, and sometimes tears, and not always with a contribution of on average $1.00. I give everyone who accepts it one of your booklets and a two-sided testimonial 4”x5” tract that I print up myself. (I can forward one to you if you would like, with consent for reproduction.) God has given me the privilege to pray for my fellows’ needs, which include health, emotional and spiritual/salvation. This will be my third or fourth year that I’ll be giving out your booklets, as my first one was given to me about five years ago by a faithful fellow servant. P.S. I will make an attempt to send you a contribution this coming year, as God blesses me with an increase in my VA disability rating. God’s blessings. Signed: Soldier of the Cross.” -David G., Texas, USA |
December 2024