Marromeu, Mozambique is known by many for being the place where Mary Moffat Livingstone was buried. Mary Livingstone (née Moffat; 12 April 1821 – 27 April 1862) was the wife of the Scottish Congregationalist missionary David Livingstone. Her father, Robert Moffat, was a Scottish Congregationalist missionary who worked among the Bechuana people at Kuruman. She married Livingstone in January 1845, despite her mother's disapproval. The couple lived initially in Kolobeng, North West Province. She accompanied Livingstone on his two journeys across the Kalahari desert in 1849 and 1850. Two of her six children were born during these treks and were delivered by her husband. She did not go on Livingstone's first expedition to the Zambezi, 1853–1856, because she lived in Britain for four years for the sake of the children's education. In 1852, Mary returned to Scotland with her 4 children, but staying with relatives proved difficult. After several moves, she eventually moved to Kendal where she lived with Charles and Susanna Brathwwaite who were evangelical Quakers and supporters of the London Missionary Society. Dr Livingstone and Mary's parents were missionaries of this society. When Livingstone returned to England, a national hero, he stayed with the Braithwaites on a number of occasions. Livingstone joined her in Britain from 1856 to 1858. In 1858, she returned to Africa to accompany Livingstone on the official "Zambezi Expedition", but became pregnant again and left the expedition to go to her parents' home in Kuruman for the birth of the new child. Returning to Africa, she met Livingstone at the mouth of the Zambezi, but fell ill from malaria in the camp at Shupanga and died there 3 months later on 27 April 1862. The pain caused by the civil war is still felt in Marromeu. The dilapidated infrastructure that has never been revived, the poverty levels that are alarmingly high, and the fact that only 1% of the population has access to electricity makes this one of the darkest districts in Mozambique. The area has seen little development for a long time, even though it produces much sugar for export. EHC Mozambique is on a mission to revive David Livingstone’s “Zambezi Expedition”. This aggressive campaign is bringing the LIGHT to this district in honor of the efforts of our forerunners, David and Mary Livingstone. In this regard, EHC has partnered with various churches and Ministries working in this district. However, most of them do not want to go deeper into the district due to the difficulty in accessing its remote villages. Please agree with is in prayer as we continue to move forward. A recent outreach was conducted at Samora Machel village, of Marromeu District. Samora Machel is an area where most people are not living in accordance with the ways of God. Macumbas and Curandeiros, which are witchdoctors and sorcerers, are venerated in the area and they occupy the majority space as far as spiritual guidance is concerned. Their way of doing things has kept many in total chaos and bondage, as the heavy shackles of the African Traditional Religion and Islam continue to weigh them down and keep them in total subjugation. EHC activities are throwing a ray of Light on these communities! We have no doubt that they shall continue to bring Light and Hope to these suffocating populations, through the Love of Jesus! Efforts and campaigns like these are new to Samora Machel. However, wonderful results are being achieved and success stories are being written. VICTORIES It is evident that the Holy Spirit Himself was in charge of this whole effort! For many of our volunteers, it was the first time that they had ever participated in such a campaign...with a total of 355 positive responses to the Gospel! This has motivated many churches who participated to continue with the EHC these outreaches have yielded such tremendous results. -EHC Mozambique's National Director, Godfrey Bhodyera Listen to this week's podcast for more details!
"I used to drink beer every day. I don’t remember reaching home sober. My family never saw me in a sober state. I went to bed drunk and would start drinking early in the morning. People of my village nicknamed me 'the moving grave'. But April 11, 2018 was a different day for me. As I arrived home, I was met by people who were visiting my home. Seeing the state that I was in, one of them handed me a Scripture booklet. He never spoke a word...and they left. The following day, I sat down and tried to read. The bold words on top of the booklet read “The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ”. For the first time, I felt like I was in custody. I thank God that at the end of the booklet were instructions on how to pray to God for salvation. I did as I was instructed and I received such peace in my heart. For the very first time, my family saw me in a sober state and I started reading that booklet to my family members. After a few days, I called the number that was on the back of the booklet and one of the EHC Zambia team members answered. I thank God that my family has since joined a Christ group. I was snatched from fire by the Word in this booklet." Siampeyo C., Zambia He Received Jesus' Love through a Scripture Booklet & Now Reaches around 3,000 People each Month!5/16/2018 “Hello my brothers. I’m a Baptist pastor. I was saved through a booklet and today I dedicate myself to handing out booklets to those who have not yet been saved. I have an interest in various titles that you publish. I reach about three thousand people a month. I will be grateful if you can assist me. Thank you very much. I have known "Help From Above" since 1980, when I received a copy from a dear brother in Christ. Later, I became aware of other publications and I consider them of excellent quality. I would like to help distribute them in my city.”
-Wagner A., Brazil “I was prematurely born (seven months) into a Hindu family in June of 1966, in a small village called Wachpoo in Eastern Nepal. My mum passed away when I was one, and it was my stepmother who took care of me and brought me up. I began searching for the truth from a young age, as I never agreed with my parents’ faith—Hinduism. Although I used to strictly observe all the rites and rituals instructed by my parents, I had no genuine peace in my mind and life. I observed them offering sacrifices, partaking in all kinds of Hindu rites and festivals, but never saw any truth in those things. When I was 14 years old and still studying, I got a booklet titled Help From Above from one of my cousins who is now my pastor. After reading this little book, I was convinced that I was a sinner and acknowledged all my sins before the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. Since then, I started experiencing the genuine love of God and peace in my life. I started attending a local fellowship. However, during my early Christian walk, I faced many problems due to objections from my family members and also from the villagers. Due to these situations, it was a challenge to have a real intimate relationship with the Lord, so I left my village and came to Kathmandu where I was water baptized in 1981. Thereafter, when I became a member of the church, I also got the privilege to undergo one year of discipleship training in Kathmandu, which taught me a lot about the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which has helped me to grow in my faith. After completion of my training, I started to work with a local church in Kathmandu. I was involved in various kinds of ministries—serving in Sunday school, conducting Bible studies, and house fellowship meetings—that led to much growth of my spiritual life as a Christian. As an evangelist, while preaching and ministering with my church, I felt a burden to reach different people groups of Nepal with the Good News. I realized that it could be made possible by distributing gospel literature in different languages to these individual groups. Thus with this burden and the Lord’s leading, in 1988 I joined Gospel for Asia Nepal and got involved in the work of publications.” -Chitra R., Nepal “I am a Christian man, 50 years old, in Sweden. My church gives out coffee free to people in the middle of town, Uppsala, almost every weekend. At the same time, we share the gospel about Jesus Christ to people. There are many refugees who have come to Sweden from the Middle East and most them are Muslims. They are often very open to listen to the gospel. I’ve read the booklet, The Way to God, in Swedish and I thought it was very good. I met a Swedish evangelist in Stockholm this spring and we evangelized among the Muslims in a suburb. He had the booklet, The Way to God, in a few languages and I gave it to people who knew the language. I also read it in Swedish and thought it was very good, according to my faith in God. I saw the internet address at the backside of the booklet and searched it with my computer.” -Tobias E., Sweden |
December 2024