"I have been so blessed to learn of the wonderful work of the Lord in getting His word to needy people around the world. I only wish I could once again go to some of these lands as my late husband and I did from 1959 to 1975 in Vietnam. I was able to hand out your booklets to many there during the war years when God’s word sustained them and brought comfort as the war raged around them. I can still see the thankfulness in their eyes for these gifts. Thank you for your continued service to the Lord. Thanks for the lovely notes to me for my giving to the work. I am so grateful I am able to give something each month as the Lord supplies. I am continuing the wishes of my wonderful husband who gave so much of himself (all of himself!) to further the Lord’s work while he lived. Even when funds were sparse, the Lord supplied our needs. PTL! God’s blessings be yours now and in the years to come."
-Marjorie P.
In Portugal, missionary Daniel had contact with local churches who were not constantly involved in evangelism, but when they did outreach, they received the Scripture booklets. Daniel observed our work in Bolivia through videos and tried to do something similar in context with the reality of Portugal. Teams of young missionaries from Brazil would come to Portugal to do distribution in the streets, but they focused mainly on teaching the Word of God in the houses. This was the most successful strategy for them. Their work was not restricted to Portugal. From Portugal, they would go to Spain, Italy, England, and other countries in Europe. They would take groups to do evangelism in each region. Consequently, local churches became excited about the work they were doing, generating animated interaction which boosted their providing materials to other groups preparing for service. -Peniel D. One couple, working through an extension ministry of their local church, has been faithfully packing boxes of WMP Scripture booklets, Bible studies, and New Testaments for shipment to Haiti for more than ten years. This vision guides the efforts of the ministry: “God is glorified as despair and suffering are alleviated, hearts and minds are transformed, and churches are established and nurtured.” WMP: Bob and Mary, please describe how you share WMP literature for Haiti? Bob & Mary: Our local church’s Haiti committee has been involved in sending sea containers with Bibles and material aid to Haiti since 1987. We first started helping in 1989 with collecting materials and packing the containers. Since 2010, we have been in charge of shipments that go to Hospital Lumiere in Haiti. When the hospital asks us for more WMP literature, we drive up to New Paris to pick up the boxes. A shipment from WMP is enough for 9-10 months. WMP: How did you learn about WMP material? Bob & Mary: One of our pastors had visited World Missionary Press and recommended to our committee your resources in Kreyol. The first written order that I have in my file was in 2009, but the missionary requesting the booklets and New Testaments had been distributing them before that. (Over the years, Bob & Mary have packed 776 boxes from WMP with 109,574 pieces of literature.) WMP: How does having free literature help the hospital staff share the gospel? Bob & Mary: It’s very helpful to have such an excellent resource of Scriptural materials printed in Kreyol. The hospital chaplains feel the Scripture booklets are a valuable asset in starting spiritual conversations and sharing the gospel individually with the patients. New Testaments and copies of A Bible Study on Matthew are used in discipleship. Kadeem B. wrote, “I must first [express] how much I have loved your booklets! My first experience with them was when my mother brought one home from her visit to the Salvation Army here in Jamaica. I was so entranced, I spent literally hours going through and through that little booklet, Help from Above. It came to me in a time when I needed it most, as I had only just accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Sadly, it has become a bit worn now, with the cover all but falling off. Recently my mother came with another tiny booklet, The Way to God, and I was sooo excited. Now I have two!" “Excitement aside,” he continued, “I am part of a group of young men and women in my church who have joined together to dedicate time to encourage each other in the Lord. I would love it if each of my brethren, or as many as possible, could have an opportunity to experience these booklets as I have. I am one hundred percent positive that it WILL be as great a help to each of them as it was for me.” |
December 2024