God is raising up PEOPLE to labor in His harvest fields. This past year more individuals, small groups, and churches caught the vision for evangelizing with WMP booklets. First-time small orders have increased significantly over the past year – from a few booklets to pallets sent to countries such as Italy, the Philippines, and South Sudan. John Y. wrote, “We are doing street ministry in the United Kingdom, using The Path to Life handouts. They were truly incredible. They were so impactful that we quickly ran out and now need to reorder. It’s been inspiring to hear the amazing testimonies of salvation from those who have read these handouts.”
In Portugal, missionary Daniel had contact with local churches who were not constantly involved in evangelism, but when they did outreach, they received the Scripture booklets. Daniel observed our work in Bolivia through videos and tried to do something similar in context with the reality of Portugal. Teams of young missionaries from Brazil would come to Portugal to do distribution in the streets, but they focused mainly on teaching the Word of God in the houses. This was the most successful strategy for them. Their work was not restricted to Portugal. From Portugal, they would go to Spain, Italy, England, and other countries in Europe. They would take groups to do evangelism in each region. Consequently, local churches became excited about the work they were doing, generating animated interaction which boosted their providing materials to other groups preparing for service. -Peniel D. This past year, several doors opened to increase the distribution of WMP literature throughout Europe. A ministry in Romania is developing a systematic plan for reaching 7,000 villages and towns in Southern Romania without a gospel presence as well as supporting contacts throughout the Balkan nations. Many of the missionaries involved in this outreach have used WMP literature over the years. Renewed interest has led to the preparation of a container shipment with 1,280,000 Scripture booklets in 12 languages.
Many Iranian students and young adults who have settled in Northern Europe are open to discussions about the Bible and Christianity. A new supply of Persian New Testaments from WMP will fill an earnest request from those serving the Lord among the Iranian communities. Increased activity in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Portugal, U.K. and Spain will lead to more concentrated and efficient distribution in the coming months. A pastor in Italy will soon receive his first full pallet for distribution among many parts of Italy and Cyprus. “The Lord is doing great things with the booklets you sent us. We have had some wonderful experiences in the Lord this week while passing them out. A young man from Peru had refused a booklet or Bible from Erich for the last two weeks, even though he hung around and watched us. A few days ago he came up to Erich and asked him to pray for him and his wife and children in Peru. Erich prayed for him and then he came to our prayer meeting on Saturday evening. Yesterday he asked if he could pass out booklets with us. He was great among the Spanish speaking people. He even took a Watchtower [pamphlet] out of one man's hand and told him we were the ones with the truth and gave him a booklet. He also spoke to him about Jesus. Another girl came and asked to pass booklets. I thought she was a Christian and said yes. About an hour later she said to me, 'I would like to ask Jesus to come into my heart.' We prayed with her right there and she received Jesus. Last night 20 people showed up at the tent. Most of them were from one family. The mother, 78 years old, had an unbelieving husband. For 18 years he used to beat her and even stabbed her in the face with a knife. She cried out to the Lord that she was going to be killed. The Lord told her she would not die but would be the mother of many nations. She had 10 children. Today many are married to [people of] different nationalities. Some live in Germany, Switzerland, and America. One was a missionary in the Philippines and now has a husband from there. This woman was faithful and is a beautiful woman now because of her endurance. We found out that the guard was too scared to come out of his trailer in the tent last week when the ropes were cut and some of the tent collapsed. Not only are we talking to the Jehovah's Witnesses on the streets; they are even coming to our house. Please pray for Luigie and Johanna. This is the third time he has come to our house. Josh speaks good Italian so is able to communicate for us. He is looking up the false prophecies and will bring us the articles Friday. Both of them were shocked when they admitted to us that they could not understand the Bible but realized that we could. Johanna asked if we were evangelists. When we said yes, she took a booklet of ours from her purse and showed it to us. It had been placed in her mailbox. We had not put it there. Two Muslims accepted the Lord last week. Yesterday a man from the Jordan made arrangements to speak to Erich about Jesus after reading one of the booklets. Please pray for him. He told Erich if he prayed to Jesus he could never go back to the Muslims. The Lord is drawing him; pray that he will follow. “This is our second year here. . . . We give out about 1,500 [tracts] a day. Throngs of people are coming from all over the world to have their sins forgiven by going through the special doors appointed by the Pope. Most of them will take the tracts, and some will talk with us. It's very hot and humid in the city now, so the people are in a hurry. They will put the tracts in their pockets or purse. Some will read them right away, and a few will stop and talk to us. When they do, we are usually able to lead them to the Lord. Yesterday after giving out tracts, we went to McDonalds for lunch. A young medical student shared our table. After a nice conversation about the Lord, she asked Jesus to come into her heart. Please keep us in your prayers as we have many important decisions to make. We are checking on building near the terminal for an outreach center for meetings during the day. We know more people would come to a Bible study that’s close to the terminal."
-Erich G., Rome, Italy |
December 2024