"God provided our team in Uganda with a chance to share His love with 150 students, and 25 of them decided to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior! Praise God for these young hearts that are now living a life for Jesus." Pictured: Children receiving The Way to God Scripture booklet. With your help, we are helping Every Home For Christ and thousands of other individuals, missionaries, churches and ministries reach the world with the Good News!
Gloria Silva Lopez of Every Home for Christ in Mexico shares about her husband Epi being kidnapped, who told his captors about Jesus and the treasure in the back of his van (Scripture booklets).
You can help impact millions in Mexico for eternity! World Missionary Press is teamed with Mexico Every Home for Christ in reaching every family in Mexico with the good news of the Gospel. This effort to reach every home began in 2008, with a projected completion by the end of December, 2018. We appreciate YOU and all that our Father is doing through you for the furtherance of His Kingdom! Your prayers and dedication to share WMP's materials and mission with others are making a huge impact in the lives of so many precious souls around the globe! You are so much more to us than just "ministry partners". You are our Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and we appreciate you beyond what words can express. You are affectionately in our thoughts and prayers, as we celebrate our annual Thanksgiving Holiday here in the United States of America. Like the Apostle Paul, we thank our God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of ours for you all making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Your Friends in Christ, The Staff of World Missionary Press We praise God for enabling World Missionary Press to produce 81,084,954 Scripture booklets, Bible study booklets, New Testaments, and salvation coloring books this fiscal year (including 11,368,248 through contract printings). Included in this total were 57,760 Arabic and Kreyol New Testaments. Also included were 470,298 He is Risen! and God Loves You salvation coloring books in thirteen languages. In terms of production equivalency- relating all publications to the size of Help from Above- we produced 100,784,196 booklet equivalencies (an average of 8,398,683 per month). We give glory to God for this significant amount of production! Through 56 years of ministry WMP has produced a total of 2,169,388,204 Scripture booklets, Bible studies, salvation coloring books, and New Testaments. Praise the Lord! Besides small orders, WMP shipped 182,836 ten-pound boxes destined for 145 nations, including 47 container-size shipments sent to 19 African nations, 16 to Latin America, 11 to Asia (including 3 to India), and 1 to Europe. New titles: The Way to God in Korean, Amazing Life of Jesus Christ and Satan vs. Christ in Malagasy, He is Risen! and How to Know God in Kirundi, and He is Risen! in Kreyol. The end is in sight! Mexico Every Home for Christ is poised to finish their 10-year campaign to bring the Gospel to every home in Mexico – a country of 130 million people – by the end of 2018. World Missionary Press’ Hope for Mexico project is raising funds for three semi-trailers full of Scripture materials to help finish this task. Reaching every home includes visiting prisoners where they live. During her time with us, Mexico EHC National Director Gloria Silva Lopez shared about their ministry in Topo Chico prison – sharing the love of Christ with some of Mexico’s most violent criminals. The above video is an excerpt from Sister Gloria’s WMP chapel service, including video from Topo Chico prison. "As I was driving my car, and I was alone on the road, suddenly I encountered a police raid and they stopped me. One of the law enforcement officers and traffic police approached my car and asked me for the documents. Then I took the opportunity to deliver to him one of the “How to Know God” brochures first and presented it to him and was going to tell him something of the Word of God with the booklet. The agent, without giving a single breath, immediately lowered his head to my car and, with his broken voice, almost crying and whispering, approached to my ear and said: 'Friend, three weeks ago my home was destroyed and my wife was gone and abandoned me. I was about to take my life and someone on the street gave me that same booklet, “How to know God”, and then I read it with faith. I asked God to restore my home and my wife came back. Now, I value her more than before and we both started going to church.' Alleluia!," -Eduardo, Colombia |
December 2024