In Mexico, The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ was given to a lady along with a personal testimony, as she sat in anguish outside a hospital. She had just received a diagnosis of breast cancer. Several weeks later, the lady euphorically reported, “I do not have cancer! God healed me!” She had prayerfully studied the booklet and has now received Christ as Savior and become part of a discipleship group.
"A pastor with Jesus Is Real campaign, an Accra-based evangelism movement, reports of their encounter with a demon-possessed, epileptic woman at Katiejile, a small village in the northern part of the Volta Region. She was given a copy of The Way to God booklet but she rejected it because she did not want to have anything to do with Christ. Her teenage daughter, however, took it and placed it on a table in their room. The next morning, the woman sent her daughter to call the team so they would share the gospel with her. She claimed that during the night the gospel booklet shone as if it was on fire so she could not sleep. The team led her, the daughter, and two others in the house to Christ. The demons left her during prayer, and she was healed of the epilepsy as well that morning." -Bishop M., Ghana Pastor Abelino was burdened to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ into the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, with the support of Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press. The church he pastored faced challenges, as the people of the community refused to listen to the Word of God! But they prayed and fasted. Then something happened! Pastor Abelino received a phone call asking for prayer for a sick person who was paralyzed. He went to that community and began to pray for the sick person. The Lord healed her! He was now able to share the Word of God with the whole family, who received the Lord as Savior. Carrying Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press, fellow workers began sharing the gospel house to house. They were able to baptize a group of new believers who continue to be discipled. These are the first fruits of the passion and prayer to reach this area for Christ, seeing souls place their faith in Jesus, renounce the world, and be baptized. The Scripture booklets and Bible studies support them in carrying out the Great Commission in southern Mexico. “The Lord is doing great things with the booklets you sent us. We have had some wonderful experiences in the Lord this week while passing them out. A young man from Peru had refused a booklet or Bible from Erich for the last two weeks, even though he hung around and watched us. A few days ago he came up to Erich and asked him to pray for him and his wife and children in Peru. Erich prayed for him and then he came to our prayer meeting on Saturday evening. Yesterday he asked if he could pass out booklets with us. He was great among the Spanish speaking people. He even took a Watchtower [pamphlet] out of one man's hand and told him we were the ones with the truth and gave him a booklet. He also spoke to him about Jesus. Another girl came and asked to pass booklets. I thought she was a Christian and said yes. About an hour later she said to me, 'I would like to ask Jesus to come into my heart.' We prayed with her right there and she received Jesus. Last night 20 people showed up at the tent. Most of them were from one family. The mother, 78 years old, had an unbelieving husband. For 18 years he used to beat her and even stabbed her in the face with a knife. She cried out to the Lord that she was going to be killed. The Lord told her she would not die but would be the mother of many nations. She had 10 children. Today many are married to [people of] different nationalities. Some live in Germany, Switzerland, and America. One was a missionary in the Philippines and now has a husband from there. This woman was faithful and is a beautiful woman now because of her endurance. We found out that the guard was too scared to come out of his trailer in the tent last week when the ropes were cut and some of the tent collapsed. Not only are we talking to the Jehovah's Witnesses on the streets; they are even coming to our house. Please pray for Luigie and Johanna. This is the third time he has come to our house. Josh speaks good Italian so is able to communicate for us. He is looking up the false prophecies and will bring us the articles Friday. Both of them were shocked when they admitted to us that they could not understand the Bible but realized that we could. Johanna asked if we were evangelists. When we said yes, she took a booklet of ours from her purse and showed it to us. It had been placed in her mailbox. We had not put it there. Two Muslims accepted the Lord last week. Yesterday a man from the Jordan made arrangements to speak to Erich about Jesus after reading one of the booklets. Please pray for him. He told Erich if he prayed to Jesus he could never go back to the Muslims. The Lord is drawing him; pray that he will follow. “This is our second year here. . . . We give out about 1,500 [tracts] a day. Throngs of people are coming from all over the world to have their sins forgiven by going through the special doors appointed by the Pope. Most of them will take the tracts, and some will talk with us. It's very hot and humid in the city now, so the people are in a hurry. They will put the tracts in their pockets or purse. Some will read them right away, and a few will stop and talk to us. When they do, we are usually able to lead them to the Lord. Yesterday after giving out tracts, we went to McDonalds for lunch. A young medical student shared our table. After a nice conversation about the Lord, she asked Jesus to come into her heart. Please keep us in your prayers as we have many important decisions to make. We are checking on building near the terminal for an outreach center for meetings during the day. We know more people would come to a Bible study that’s close to the terminal."
-Erich G., Rome, Italy
“I work as a doctor at a hospital in Sweden. I distribute the booklets to people in crisis and severe situations for them to be aware that there is a God and a way to reach that God. My father-in-law sometimes helps me in talking to people about the Lord and His Son, Jesus Christ, as soon as possibilities arise. We have great use for the booklets, and I humbly ask you to send us some to keep us going.” -Dr. Jonathan H., Sweden Report of phone call: “Maria called exuding joy and excitement. She was talking so fast to try to share the few stories she relayed! She says one of her favorite places to witness is aboard cruise ships. She meets so many people from all over the world. She says she gets more joy out of talking to people about Jesus than the actual cruise itself! That’s the main reason she goes on cruises! On one of her port stops, Maria visited a jewelry shop and asked if anyone needed prayer. The owner said her leg was hurting and she couldn’t move it. She prayed, and the woman said it still hurt and she still couldn’t move it very well. Maria said, ‘Well, that’s not good enough! Let’s pray again.’ The leg was healed! She could move it! While praying for this woman, six more people were lined up to be prayed for. The owner then brought a man with a tumor in his mouth, and they saw it shrink! Maria called asking for booklets. She said, ‘I saw so many things happen and had run out of booklets! I need booklets! People get saved and healed, and I like to leave them with material to help them know God and grow.’ She told of another lady who was practicing witchcraft. She led her to Jesus and then some of her family members. Maria is excited about Jesus and couldn’t stop talking about Him! She thanked us for all that we do and is so grateful for our materials. She loves sharing with others about WMP. She even told a Christian newspaper in her area about WMP!”
We are so blessed that Hopewood Haven Ministries will be receiving their first shipment of WMP literature to help these precious, young girls!
Hopewood Haven Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian organization dedicated to girls who have been victims of commercial sex trafficking by providing residential group homes of hope, healing and restoration. We also confront the issues of exploitation and childhood sexual abuse through advocacy, education and treatment programs for girls and women. Please join us in prayer for this ministry! Blessings! ~Joe Human Trafficking Statistics:
*There are 27 million people in slavery in the world today. *Human Trafficking is a 32 BILLION dollar industry. *800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year. *80% are female. *50% are children. *70% end up in the commercial sex industry. *1 million children are exploited by the global commercial sex trade, every year. *161 Countries are affected by the human trafficking industry. *It’s estimated that anywhere from 100,000 to 300,000 girls will be abducted and forced into prostitution in the United States this year. *Denver is one of the largest hubs of sex trafficking per capita. One in three girls who are homeless on Denver’s streets for more than 72 hours will be kidnapped and yanked into a life of prostitution. World Missionary Press is now working with ministries who are helping human trafficking victims and refugees right here in the United States and abroad. People are hungry for God's Word in their native languages! We encourage our Ambassadors to raise awareness for this great cause! The following testimony is from a brother in Nigeria.
“Thank you so much for diligently doing the work of Christ and for the love and kindness shown to God’s children. Thank you for determination to serve the Lord in your country and around the world, seeking for the lost and unsaved to get saved and matured through Christ. May the Lord comfort you and strengthen you to continue forwarding His ministry to the world. Beloved, some incredible evil things happened in my life that was to the point of stealing my life. But the Lord’s healing hand was upon me, and I was restored. I am grateful and my heart is filled with joy today. I am very glad to share my testimony with you. My family and I belonged to the Muslim Association of Nigeria. We were all accordingly in one body of Allah. We believed Allah was our god, and we worshiped him in the Islamic religion. We were against Christians. We spoke evil of them, and we hated them. One day, a believer came to our Islamic place where we prayed; and he was preaching the doctrine of Christ. We captured him and killed him; but we didn’t know we were wrong and the devil was ruling our lives, and we belonged to a false religion. So, after some days, I got attacked by a dreadful disease and became jaundiced. I was admitted into the best hospital with doctors working on me around the clock. I was given four bottles of blood and was on oxygen for six days. My pulse was disappearing, and my breathing was slowing. The pain in my entire body was unbearable. It was then the doctors gave up hope. The chief doctors said that I would have to be lifted immediately to Bombay for dialysis but that I may not survive the journey itself. My parents, brothers, and sisters were all nearly mad with sorrow. My father and his friends were consulting Islamic hymns to proclaim healing in my body. They tried and tried, but our gods failed them. It was then Brother "J", who was saved through your literature and ministry, came to see his sister in the same ward and he came to meet me for a purpose. My father was trying to abuse him, but my mother stopped him. He came towards me, and he was calling God’s anointing power of healing upon my life. Really, the Lord interceded and laid His hand of healing upon me; and I felt a move in my body. It was like a heat and the pains were vanishing. My blood was again tested for the last time, and it showed my liver and kidneys working beautifully, and I was completely whole. My family and the doctors were all surprised to see the demonstration of God’s power upon my life. From then on, my father realized that the gods we were worshiping were not true gods, and we got onto our knees and confessed Christ as our Lord and personal Savior. The Lord transformed our lives through the blood of the Lamb. He changed us from Islam to Christianity. We took our Muslim books, hymns, and bible and burnt them. We are now fellowshipping in Brother "J’s" church. Beloved, we are willing and anxious to study God’s Word so that we can grow stronger in our faith and be matured through Christ. We believe faith cometh by hearing and hearing from the Word of God. Please help us with 39 complete Holy Bibles to share among ourselves so that we can have the Word of God to grow and to know more about His Word. We want to become closer to God, and to receive the life He offers. Please, help me and my family with friends to grow rapidly in the Lord. Thank you for the love and concern shown to your African brethren.” Ayomide D. Nigeria |
December 2024