“We cannot thank WMP enough for providing booklets to reach 30,000 children in over 200 locations across Honduras through the Backpack program, as well as the many other events we have throughout the year where WMP materials are shared. We can personally testify to the impact WMP has had on national evangelism, soul winning, and discipleship. We use the booklets in the inner cities, rural areas, mountainous villages and even the extreme regions of the jungles of the Moskitia.” – Ken H., Honduras
The reformatted booklet is ministering throughout the world in schools, mission hospitals, evangelistic children’s ministries, youth camps, and mental hospitals. To date, about 7.5 million copies of the booklet have been provided in English, Indonesian, French, Malagasy, Portuguese, Spanish, and four South Asia languages to 98 destination countries. Another 1.5 million booklets are in production with two new languages being prepared for printing. Ruth testifies from Canada: “I am so thankful for your coloring book God Loves You! It has helped me spiritually again and again. This Christmas I am giving 25 copies to the Drop-In Centre (a mental health place.) Please pray they will be gladly taken and that God would be glorified and that many of them would accept Jesus as Savior!” Mission organizations in the USA send God Loves You! to missionaries in the Philippines who work with thousands of children in poverty. A mission hospital in the Ecuadorian Amazon region found one last copy of the original God Loves You! in the hospital. The chaplain asked about getting new ones for the children and was delighted with the new booklet format he found on the WMP website. Several boxes of booklets in the Spanish language were provided for the mission hospital. Rosa in El Paso, Texas works with immigrants from Venezuela, Peru, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Ecuador, and El Salvador. She writes, “The children are fascinated because they say they have never been given a book in Spanish.” She says the God Loves You! and The Way to God booklets have been great blessings. “We welcome the immigrants with joy and with God’s Word and many have repented and accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior”. Recently the Pentecostal Church of God-International Movement sent an urgent request for 480 boxes of Spanish God Loves You! booklets for a special evangelistic project in Puerto Rico. “This way they will have a nationwide impact on a great part of the population of the children of Puerto Rico. Children and their families will be impacted and we pray many will join a church of their choosing along with their families.” Through an interdenominational ministry involving several churches, Northwest Ohio is being saturated with your booklets. Seven schools have received them. With the permission of their parents, students are being bused for one period to a church or building off school grounds to learn about Jesus! -Calvin S. “Every year I prepare blessing bags with booklets and coloring books for children, crosses, devotionals and booklets for teens, and Meditations in the Psalms and blessing rocks for the adults. We usually see about 250 children, 100 teens, and 200 adults at the annual Community Day in the Park. We love being a blessing to others, and your resources permit us to do much more than we could do on our own. The children love gathering at the table and picking a gemstone with a cross painted on it to go with your Who Am I that a KING Would Die in My Place? booklet and coloring in the God Loves You! booklet as we tell the stories! I love your outreach materials, small group studies, and of course the coloring books. Thank you for your commitment to God’s work!!!” —Jennifer R., West Virginia "I'm lying here thinking about outreach and cannot sleep. I miss being in the field. I was looking at photos and came across this one. Many children are so hungry for truth. How can we turn them away? I'm so thankful for World Missionary Press and their booklets for children. They need hope, and Jesus is their only hope. I'm praying that we will all be a part of bringing Jesus to them. 'And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.' (1 Corinthians 13:13 KJV)"
-A Facebook Post from one of our precious distributors and long-time friends, Tom Faunce “We will distribute these booklets to public school children who do not have Bibles and know very little about the Gospel. They will receive their booklet during their Christian Released Time Education which is held once a week and upheld by Supreme Court decision, Zorach vs. Clauson. This weekly class is the only Bible study any of these children have.”
-Norma B., CA, U.S.A. By Julie Bourdon Honduras (MNN) – Honduras is said to have one of the highest murder rates in the world. In some cities, the violence is so bad, it’s only slightly safer than a war zone. Take San Pedro Sula, for example. According to Reeuters, about 200 people fled the city in a month’s time earlier this year. The violence stems from gang activity, intertwined with drugs and organized crime. Sadly, children are often drawn into the violence, one way or another. Sharing the Gospel as an organization World Missionary Press provides Gospel literature in hundreds of languages for organizations and individuals around the world. One of their major distributors in Honduras is addressing these societal issues with two very important tools—education and the Gospel. A branch of their ministry called Children’s Gift Ministry is reaching out to children specifically. Helen Williams of World Missionary Press says last December, they received a call from this distributor with a testimony of how the last shipment of booklets was helping their network of pastors. “He said, ‘Because of what you sent us, we were able to evangelize more than 25,000 children and young people in this particular area.’” One pastor, for example, hands out the booklets with colored teddy bears called “faith bears.” These bears are color-coordinated to tell the salvation story. The booklets and the bears work together to help children understand the Gospel. But as is often the case, the praise report came with a request. The group was nearly out of Scripture booklets, and the school year was about to start! Part of Children’s Gift Ministry is the annual "Back To Classes With Jesus" program. It provides children, aged six to 12, with a backpack full of supplies. These backpacks can be the difference between going to school, or not. Church leaders hold local, community-wide evangelism events. As they distribute the backpacks, pastors take the children through the Scripture booklets from World Missionary Press. Each child receives their own booklet. Many children have given their lives to Jesus during these events. And as the program grows, so does the potential to see lasting change in Honduras. “You know, you reach these children, you have a chance to change a culture and change a community, and change a nation. And that’s what the Spirit can do through His Word,” Williams says. So before the current school year began, World Missionary Press sent a large shipment of booklets, including some in the Miskito language. When classes started up, the back to school program had reached 30,000 children in 200 locations across Honduras. That means 30,000 children got to encounter the Word of God. “They are going to know the Scriptures, they’re going to have it in their hand, they’re going to take it home, it goes with the backpacks, it’s taught,” Williams says. In addition to the backpack project, these booklets are an important part of pastoral outreach, church planting, and discipleship. And so, the requests for more Scripture booklets keep coming. “For many of those people and their churches and believers down there, this will be the closest thing they get to a Bible. And so, we just want to encourage people that the Lord is blessing and the Lord is using this and we are trying to keep up. This is one major distributor out of about 85 that we have that keep saying, ‘hey, that was wonderful, can I have some more?’” Later this year, World Missionary Press will be sending another shipment with about 500,000 pieces of literature going out. Williams says the shipment, made up of both Spanish and Miskito booklets, will be one of their largest to Honduras. Sharing faith as an individual But it’s not just organizations that have effectively used Scripture booklets for ministry. Williams shares one story that shows the power of the individual who is willing to share God’s Word. She received a letter from a lady earlier this month who lives in a low-income housing project in Colorado. “She says, ‘I gave some of your booklets to the cleaning lady in the morning. And then in the afternoon, God led me to verbally witness to her. She then received Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior. She was ready and willing and I am very happy about this.’” This lady wasn’t just sending a praise report, she was requesting more material. Why? To keep on witnessing. The woman explained that people come and go all the time. Most of them accept the booklets, and she has been blessed every time she’s handed one out. Williams says, “I think of this wonderful lady who just gave a Scripture booklet to the cleaning gal that came to her apartment, and later in the day followed the Spirit’s prompting to talk to this lady directly, and a child of God was born, a soul came to Christ.” For Williams this story means that, “there is no one that the Spirit cannot use if we’re willing to be used and He will bring us the opportunities if we are sensitive to His leading.” And that applies across cultures and language barriers, too. In fact, World Missionary Press is equipping ordinary, monolingual people to witness to their neighbors who come from other countries and have a different first language. “Everywhere you’re going to run into someone who speaks Arabic, or French, or Spanish, or Portuguese, or Swahili, or Gujarati, or Hindi. And we can provide them material—just one or two booklets that they can share with an in-law or a neighbor or a tradesmen or a friend, someone that they want to share the truth of the Scripture but not quite sure how to get it across.” "Good morning and God bless you!!!
May the Lord fill your day with His presence and comfort your heart with the knowledge that your ministry through World Missionary Press continues to impact the lives of thousands in Honduras, one of the most violent, dangerous and corrupt countries in the world. Through your partnership with Harrell Family Missions and the Children's Gift Ministry many thousands of lives have been reached, touched and changed by the word of God and the scripture booklets that you provide for us to distribute in evangelism events throughout the country. This year alone the Back to classes with Jesus program, an out reach of the Children's Gift Ministry, plans to reach its goal of reaching 30,000 children in 200 locations across the country. Through this program children ages 6-12 are invited to a community-wide evangelism event where many will give their hearts to Jesus. Each child receives a backpack filled with school supplies enabling them to get off of the streets, out of the reach of the gangs and back into school.... Because of the partnership we are able to include World Missionary Press scripture booklets into every backpack! We also preach from the booklets having the children open their's and follow us as we read the Scriptures. World Missionary Press scripture booklets are also used to help new Pastors in church planting. They help existing churches in discipleship, men's, women's, youth and children's groups. For many churches this is the only literature that they will have. For some Christians this is the closest they will have to a Bible of their own. The National Youth Department in Honduras requests our partnership regularly as they distribute World Missionary Press Scripture booklets in citywide evangelism events. There's just no telling the tens of thousands of souls that have come to Christ because of World Missionary Press and your partnership with Harrell Family Missions and the Children's Gift Ministry in Honduras - THANK YOU!!!!" |
December 2024