“I met my youngest daughter when she was coming out from school with a small booklet, Bukwasho Bwa Kufma Mwiulu [Help From Above], in Kaonde language. I was very surprised to see where she got it, but she told me that she just picked it up on the roadside. I’m a preacher and secretary of Prison Fellowship Zambia with six prisons under my supervision. I have no tracts to use and distribute to our inmates who are behind bars. Those who are there have no access of coming out to go and hear the word of salvation. It might be better if you can send me some to use and whenever you have some [booklets], you may use our address.” -Wilson N., Zambia, Africa
“I am 27 years old and I am in prison for the first time in my life. I am serving a 5 ½ year sentence in this prison. I am a new-born child of Jesus Christ. I gave my life to our Lord Jesus Christ a few days ago. I am very happy about the decision I made. It is because of you that I was able to make that decision and give my life to Christ. I want to thank you so much for that. A few weeks ago, my cellmate who went home, left me one of your Scripture booklets, called Help From Above. It’s in that same booklet that I found your contact. Not only did this booklet save my life but it also taught me about being faithful, loving, and caring to the ones I love. So, today in this letter, I want to ask if you can send me some more different booklets, please? I also wanted to ask you for help, the type of help that will help me keep doing God’s work and keep building my relationship with Christ, family, friends, and loved ones. I am eager not only to learn but to live a faithful, merciful, loving, courageous, and joyful life for God and the people around me. So, I want to ask if you can please send me any type of free resources that you might have or can offer to me that will help me keep my relationship with God and my family and friends and people I come across through my days of living. So, I wanted to see if you can please send me (that is, if you have 14) free Bible lessons, life-changing booklets, Bible studies, sermons, literature, correspondence courses, even daily devotions of any kind, please. I would also like to ask if you will send me more of your Scripture booklets other than the one I have. Please keep me in your prayers and keep in contact with me. Thank you for receiving and reading my letter. I send you, and your family, my blessings. I hope that God continues to keep blessing you guys. Thanks and God bless.” -Maximino M., Jessup, MD (U.S.A.)
“I’m an inmate at the Marshall County Jail. Every Sunday a pastor comes to the jail and goes cell-by-cell in our block and hands out little booklets or guides or other forms of study material. Recently, I was given a copy of your Bible Study on Romans. This letter is my only way of saying thank you. The things I’ve learned from that study alone have opened my eyes and my heart in a way I didn’t think possible. Don’t ever think that the work you’re doing isn’t enough or wonder if you’re reaching anybody. I’m going to be behind bars for the next few years and even though it’s an unknown thing to me, I pray that when I get out, I can help you in some way to help reach others. If I had any other way to thank you, I would. Keep up all the good work that helps many just like me.” -Anthony B., Indiana, USA
We went on 21 missions in 6 counties impacting 59 villages and towns in 2 countries, Liberia and Ivory Coast. A mission can last 1-7 days. We did 2 three day conferences. Our projector was used 3 times showing the Jesus film and other Christian training films. We baptized 42 people. Many had the Gospel presented to them and many made confessions of faith asking our Lord for salvation and forgiveness. We printed 9,000 pages of Bible training material. We made 491 manuals.
We had 41 students in our level 1 class and several that listen in. They came from 9 counties which represent over 1/2 of the 16 Liberian counties. We also had students from three countries; Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Liberia. The students have returned to spread the Gospel as they were taught. Except for Nigeria, we will also be sending our field leaders to them throughout the year to assist them in producing fruit, to encourage, provide material, and continue to train. Exciting news! One of our students comes from an unreached people group of Liberia and is a former Muslim. He comes from the Vai tribe. Joshua Project considers the Vai to be an unreached people group. They are a Muslim mixed with animism stronghold. He is from Grand Capemont County, a county we have never sent a disciple to. He is determined to go back to them and share the gospel!! He and I have agreed that he should stay on our base for at least a month to attend level 4. While here for the month we will continue to train and prepare him. We plan on sending a mission team with him when he returns. Some of these Bible Institute students were unknown to us having been brought by our Lord. But most all of these students have come because our field leaders on motorbikes have made an impact on them while visiting their communities. We have been to 13 of the 16 counties evangelizing, discipling and working towards church plants. Our press shop wall structure should be complete this week. As I type this report our dental team is preparing to pull their first tooth. Exciting!!! Bad teeth bring much pain and even death. This is a huge blessing for the SE of Liberia where hundreds of thousands have had no access to a dentist. Prayer requests: We praise God for an anointed Level 1 class. Pray for our Bible Institute Level 4 class that starts on February 20th, each class lasts 2 weeks. Praise God our dental clinic is in operation. Pray that we can start distributing our water filters. Surely I broke a toe (no X-ray equipment) in a motorbike mishap. Pray for healing.
“Praise God that Christ is setting people free! Anteneh B. is a street boy who committed lots of sins and was in jail many times. But a simple Gospel booklet changed his life. Nobody told him about Jesus before because they were afraid to approach him. He shares: ‘But this booklet told me who Jesus is. One of the ladies from Every Home for Christ gave me this booklet, and I accepted Jesus through that message. If Jesus [were] not my Savior, my life [would] end up in the maximum- security prison where the worst criminals are sent.’ ” -Aynalem, Ethiopia “At the ‘Jesus to the Nations’ conference March 2014 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, a representative from your organization asked if we (Dawn for Asia) could use Biblical literature for our work in Myanmar. Subsequently, I received five packages containing Scripture booklets in Burmese. Those booklets have been distributed in Yangon and Kalay. The pastors there were thrilled to get the material and are using God's Word that you provided to reach Buddhists in their communities. On Christmas Day, one pastor preached on John 3:16 to a crowd of 500 people. He reported that 28 Buddhists made a profession of faith in Christ Jesus. He told me that more [people] made a commitment but were nervous about making it public, as Christians are still persecuted in Myanmar for their faith. On behalf of the Dawn for Asia Board and the three pastors in Myanmar who received the material, thank you for your help in providing God's Word to the people of Myanmar.” -James C., Myanmar
“We just found out about this one at last year’s WMP banquet. It seems that many years ago, Fred and I ate at a Chinese restaurant in Sturgis, Michigan, after having services at a church in that area. After eating, we gave a Chinese coloring book to the waitress. She was so excited that she went to the kitchen to bring out ‘the help’ to meet us and to receive Chinese Scripture booklets and coloring books. [In fact, we remember that another waitress, who was Latino, wanted a Spanish coloring book, so Fred went to the car to get her one.] Now, many years later, we meet a Chinese young lady who recognizes us from our business card and says that her brother was one of the ‘help’ who had received our material that night and had shared it with her. He became a Christian, went back to China, and shared Christ with their mother, who is now also a Christian!” -Fred & Betsy E., Indiana, USA
December 2024