"This is my second year requesting the datebook. It truly is a blessing to my everyday walk with the Lord. The best part about this datebook is the Scripture fits what I am going through and the mood I am in. Thank you for making it available to me. May God’s grace and peace be with all of you."
-Mikhail A., USA Prison
"Thank you so graciously for always sending your Datebook. Every year in the front of the book, I always write down prayers for the coming year. My old issues are like time capsules. I go back, see where I was then, and remember certain dates, etc. I always read the verses for each day. May I ask to receive a couple of your booklets? (HFA, POG, PSA, ACH). I like to read them, maybe do some studies in them, and remember especially Alive in Christ so I can freshen up on speaking to both believers and non-believers. Thank you very much for your dedicated service to evangelize the lost and help those in prison and beyond to know the love of God for them." -David, Texas, U.S.A. “I am currently doing life in prison. I use your Diary Datebook with Bible reading and prayer. I know these booklets are useful to grow in the Word of God as well as [providing] an encouraging word as needed.” -Henry “For sixteen years you have blessed me with your little Scripture-Text Datebooks. I use them for morning prayer journals. I read the Scripture, then write a short prayer in the daily blanks. It has been wonderful to go back through these books and see how my prayer life has changed over the years. I’ve grown to trust God so much. Thank you for helping me along this journey and for your love and compassion for others.” -Richard “I’ve been receiving your Diary Datebook since 2001. You have always honored my request without fail. Thank you for your concern and for helping my walk with Jesus. It means a lot to me.” -Michael "Hello. My name is Brandon. I am 25 years old and I am currently in prison in Florida. I am writing this letter for two reasons. The first reason is that I want to tell you that today March 4, 2020, God answered one of my prayers. I have been asking Him to provide me with a way to read His word and while I was laying in my bunk, a volunteer minister came by my cell, prayed for me, and gave me one of your datebooks. For the past couple of weeks, I have been locked in a cell by myself without a Bible. It may seem strange to you that I am having trouble getting a Bible but let me tell you, I am not in a very nice place. The second reason I am writing to you is that I would like to request any kind of spiritual and or religious reading material you can provide. I have always been a Christian but some drastic events in my life recently have caused me to try to become close to God. I am amazed at the things He is currently doing for me. In this datebook, I see there are multiple study booklets and Scripture booklets. If you could send me any of these, I would be eternally grateful! Thank you so much for this datebook and anything else you can send. Again, I want you to know that getting the datebook was an answer to prayer. It may seem like a small thing but it was huge to me!"
"Hi! My name is Sierra and I am currently incarcerated in Wisconsin. I was given a datebook while I was in Brown County jail in Green Bay. It brought some light into every day along with helping me to keep track of the days. I memorized Psalms 23 and 91 and then I taught them to my 9-year-old over the phone and through letters thanks to that little book. Here at the prison, resources are slim and I was wondering if you would send me 2019 and 2020 datebooks. I also wanted to inquire about the other booklets that were mentioned in the back of my datebook. Do you have other booklets available? I want to better myself and strengthen my relationship with God. Thanks again for your time. God bless your day." -Sierra B., U.S.A. “My name is Manuel. I am currently incarcerated at North Kern State Prison in Delano, California. These times in prison have been so hard and stressful. No words can express how much your 2019 Scripture-Text Datebook has helped and strengthened me. I have gained faith, hope, and confidence through your Datebook. I enjoy reading the daily Scriptures within your Datebook and want to thank you for helping me regain my relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior. I would love to keep learning about our Lord and keep my faith growing with your help. If possible, I would like to receive any, and or all, of your Scripture-by-subject booklets, Scripture booklets, Bible study booklets, Scripture Memory Book, and My Bible Reading Book, to stay on the right path with the Lord, our Savior. Your hard work and effort have really helped save me from losing my faith. Thank you for your support and generosity. I am truly blessed to have found your Scripture-Text Datebook. Any help would be gratefully appreciated. May the Lord bless all of you at World Missionary Press. Thank you in advance.” -Manuel Z., CA, U.S.A “I am a volunteer chaplain at Mississippi State Penitentiary in Parchman, MS. Thanks so much for sending me the Datebooks. I received them and passed out about 100 already to the inmates. One inmate was jumping for joy while receiving one because he had been on lockdown for over six months. Therefore, he could not buy stamps to request a Datebook directly from you. Thank you WMP and thank You, Jesus! I would like to request additional booklets to be handed out to the inmates. There are twelve buildings in Unit 29, with an average of 150 inmates per building. The inmates always request additional reading materials from me. Hence this request." -Amala D., U.S.A. “I am a 19 year-old youthful offender currently incarcerated for armed robbery at Lake City Correctional Facility. First off, I really want to thank all of you for what you are doing, including reading this handwritten letter at this very moment. It means a lot, seriously. I had a cell mate who had your Datebook and he let me borrow it whenever I asked. It’s crazy how accurate and helpful it was to me. It seemed like it was almost written for me, individually, for my specific troubles, on a daily basis. It really helped me see how God works. I have a small pocket Bible and read it over and over as much as I can, every day. I saw in your Datebook that we could order study booklets! That’s amazing, that you all provide this to people who are mostly looked down upon. Thank you! If you can, and if God wills, it would be amazing to be blessed with some study literature, especially the one on John, for I’m trying to get more in touch with my spiritual side. Thank you so much, and peace be multiplied to you!” -William A., U.S.A.
“Thank you for sending me this Datebook. I read it every day. It gives me peace. I’m new to all this religious stuff and my whole life I’ve been a non-believer. But these past six months, things with my wife and I have been rough, not between each other but things and people trying to tear us apart and she’s always so positive and happy. It used to get me mad because she would always tell me to pray and have faith and I wouldn’t. But these past three months, I’ve been reading this Datebook every day and praying with an open mind. And I have to admit things really have been improving and working out for us. So, safe to say, my faith has been growing. Thank you for this booklet.” -Tommy P., Texas, U.S.A. “For over thirteen years I have treasured these little Datebooks! I misplaced 2005-2007, or lost them, but I have 2008-2017. I write a prayer every morning on each day. I have gone back and read them and saw how God had answered by prayers and how quickly. I even went to our church and witnessed and showed the entire church how I had prayed on one day and how God had answered my prayers in two or three days. When people saw this little book in my hands, they would say, ‘Richard must have something to witness about! He brought his little prayer book!’ I just wanted to share how this little Datebook has influenced so many people over the years at this unit. I have all the issues, kept safely in my locker that not only have God’s Word in them, but hundreds of answered prayers. When I get out, I will take them to my home church and share or witness about them to our own congregation. Thanks for the blessings! I cherish every one. God bless you.” Richard M., Texas |
December 2024