“Following the tragic loss of his wife, 38-year-old Tesfaye found himself in a state of profound despair and hopelessness. Unable to cope with the challenges of life, he relinquished the care of his son to his concerned family, feeling powerless and adrift in a sea of grief and uncertainty.
I met Tesfaye on the street and he shared his heartache and struggles. I offered him the booklet Help from Above. Tesfaye went home, read, and reread the teachings of the booklet, finding comfort, clarity and a renewed sense of purpose. “We formed a friendship and his heart gradually opened to the transformative love of the Lord Jesus Christ, culminating in a profound moment of spiritual surrender and acceptance. Tesfaye experienced a miraculous turn around in his life. His business flourished, his mind regained clarity, and his heart overflowed with love and gratitude as he joyfully reunited with his son.” –Rev. Samuel B., Ethiopia
Praise Him Anyway!
I woke up this morning Praising God for this new day. I didn’t need to check the weather, I praised Him anyway! Nothing had really changed overnight from its standing yesterday, But there was no need to fret or worry, I just praised Him anyway! I have yet to have a problem or a sickness come my way That is bigger than my Father, as I have praised Him anyway! It seems that when I praise Him I can actually hear Him say, “I have made you more than a conqueror As you’ve praised Me anyway!” “In the world you shall have trials, and tribulations come your way But who can be against you when I am for you? Just praise Me anyway!” So, let me glorify You, Father, in all that I do or say. And please help me be more willing To praise You anyway! -A Precious Brother in Prison who receives WMP Literature
“Praise God that Christ is setting people free! Anteneh B. is a street boy who committed lots of sins and was in jail many times. But a simple Gospel booklet changed his life. Nobody told him about Jesus before because they were afraid to approach him. He shares: ‘But this booklet told me who Jesus is. One of the ladies from Every Home for Christ gave me this booklet, and I accepted Jesus through that message. If Jesus [were] not my Savior, my life [would] end up in the maximum- security prison where the worst criminals are sent.’ ” -Aynalem, Ethiopia “I am a member of Courtside Ministries, a Christian evangelical ministry. We have prayer tables outside courthouses, and we ask as people pass by if they would like to pray. It is a very effective ministry. We have 23 teams now at various courthouses and last year God touched tens of thousands of lives through this ministry. Over 3,900 came to know Christ, and we gave out more tracts and Bibles than we can count. We also give out church referrals and have pastors do follow up on those who accept the Lord on site. It is an amazing ministry. I have been studying Islam (as best I can in the time I have) and am being led to get prepared. Based on how the Lord has worked in my life up to now, that makes me certain I will be in contact with some Islamic believers soon. I would like to have a few of your booklets. I will keep four in Arabic and one in English and pass three in Arabic and one in English to two other teams. If our board feels it is not wasting your resources, I will probably come back and get more.”
-Ramona J., Indiana, USA
“I work as a doctor at a hospital in Sweden. I distribute the booklets to people in crisis and severe situations for them to be aware that there is a God and a way to reach that God. My father-in-law sometimes helps me in talking to people about the Lord and His Son, Jesus Christ, as soon as possibilities arise. We have great use for the booklets, and I humbly ask you to send us some to keep us going.” -Dr. Jonathan H., Sweden "I had seen other inmates with the Scripture-text Datebook and rebelled [against] it as religious psycho-babble propaganda. I was made to go to church as a youth, by parents who were non-attenders themselves. I had become disheartened with church and spent all of these years (42), feeling I could handle everything life threw at me. In January of this year, I was given a Datebook by my cellmate. Instead of rejecting it, and him interpreting it as my rejecting his kindness, I put on a show of reading it. I eventually used it to write down daily plans and deeds. I then started reading the daily Scriptures, and His light opened my eyes. My heart felt a great burden lifted as I opened it and my brain to His righteousness. I cannot do this time or my life alone. I need Him!" ~Geoffrey F.
“It's me again, coming to you live from Lorain County Correctional Institute. Well, anywho [sic], I have been moved. I was not able to bring my Bible studies and booklets with me seeing as there was but one set that I left for the county jail. Can you please send me two sets of the literature this time around, if possible. Thank you for your time and your ministry. Oh, and by the way, the men were so grateful for those booklets and Bible studies. It was like Christmas. They almost argued over them, then worked out a sharing system. 'Blessed is the peacemaker for he shall be called a child of God.' Amen. Let's see if I can do this again and get even more people excited about the living God! Last trip, the Lord gave me about 50 people to influence in Christ. Now He has given me double that. Let's see what He does here. May God be with you all at WMP and may our Father continue uniting the many ministries of Christ. I pray to hear from you soon.” ~Aaron M.
Report of phone call: “Maria called exuding joy and excitement. She was talking so fast to try to share the few stories she relayed! She says one of her favorite places to witness is aboard cruise ships. She meets so many people from all over the world. She says she gets more joy out of talking to people about Jesus than the actual cruise itself! That’s the main reason she goes on cruises! On one of her port stops, Maria visited a jewelry shop and asked if anyone needed prayer. The owner said her leg was hurting and she couldn’t move it. She prayed, and the woman said it still hurt and she still couldn’t move it very well. Maria said, ‘Well, that’s not good enough! Let’s pray again.’ The leg was healed! She could move it! While praying for this woman, six more people were lined up to be prayed for. The owner then brought a man with a tumor in his mouth, and they saw it shrink! Maria called asking for booklets. She said, ‘I saw so many things happen and had run out of booklets! I need booklets! People get saved and healed, and I like to leave them with material to help them know God and grow.’ She told of another lady who was practicing witchcraft. She led her to Jesus and then some of her family members. Maria is excited about Jesus and couldn’t stop talking about Him! She thanked us for all that we do and is so grateful for our materials. She loves sharing with others about WMP. She even told a Christian newspaper in her area about WMP!”
“I thought you might like to hear this story. A little more than eight years ago, through some friends I came into contact with a family in rural Mindanao in the southern Philippines. The little girl was starting in school, and her aunt who worked with me asked if I would be willing to tutor her online. The little girl would walk about 20 minutes each way to an internet café and clean it in return for using the computer for an hour to do her lessons. When I would correct her lessons, I would use the online Bible from YouVersion.com to put Scripture portions on the end of each lesson in her dialect which they call Bisayan, or—as you have listed it—Cebuano. She was asking so many questions, so I copied and pasted your booklet (either How to Know God or The Way to God, I don’t remember which one right now). I apologize because at the time I didn’t think about inquiring about any copyright issues. She worked an extra session to be able to print the booklet. As things developed, we established a children’s home with the help of some local leaders, including the village Catholic priest. He emailed me one time and told me how she would visit the ill and shut-ins and read the booklet and the Scripture portions that I had sent at the bottom of her lessons. She called this her little Bible. She gave the booklet that I had sent her to the priest and told him that he should read it. He told me that he told her that if she did what was in the booklet, she would find Jesus. We now have 22 children we take care of and are in the process of starting a school so that they can learn vocational and technical skills, allowing them to remain in the area and work instead of having to go overseas. The first classes in the school have been, at the request of the local leaders, Christian Workers classes so they can support themselves while helping in the school. This has grown out of a little girl sharing with others.”
We are so blessed that Hopewood Haven Ministries will be receiving their first shipment of WMP literature to help these precious, young girls!
Hopewood Haven Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian organization dedicated to girls who have been victims of commercial sex trafficking by providing residential group homes of hope, healing and restoration. We also confront the issues of exploitation and childhood sexual abuse through advocacy, education and treatment programs for girls and women. Please join us in prayer for this ministry! Blessings! ~Joe |
December 2024