Dear Ambassador,
We are so thankful for your participation in this ministry, and we have some exciting news to share as we approach 2025. Raising awareness about how Jesus’ Love is impacting the nations through World Missionary Press Scripture booklets has always been at the heart of our Ambassador Network, and we are extremely thankful for all that the Lord has done over the past nine years. Your love and dedication are making a tremendous difference in the lives of multitudes, and our goal is to make sharing about World Missionary Press’ global impact easier by communicating more effectively and providing better tools that will allow more people to share about the ministry with greater effectiveness. Get ready for ONE new and improved World Missionary Press website that merges our main website and Ambassador website into one. Our website will be available until that merge is complete. We will change the name of our Ambassador Network and merge it with a ministry in which every World Missionary Press partner and church will have the opportunity to participate. We are also merging our emails to make things simpler for everyone. Who doesn’t appreciate a less congested inbox? After today, [email protected] will send the materials you have been enjoying for the past nine years with the Ambassador Network, and more, in our merged emails. In January 2025, you will have access to that information by clicking the “Ministry Resources” link in the merged emails. Please reach out to me if you have questions. Yours in Christ, Joe Chadburn
This past year has seen transformative new beginnings for countless individuals around the world, thanks to your prayers and generosity and the distribution of World Missionary Press Scripture booklets. Lives have been transformed, churches have been planted, and disciples have been trained, as the Light that first shined in Bethlehem has dispelled darkness from the deserts of Africa, to the rainforests of Latin America, to the streets of Las Vegas, to the Summer Olympic Games in Paris, and beyond.
Throughout the Bible and world history, we see the Spirit and the Word working together to create, sustain, comfort, deliver, instruct, and empower humanity. In John 8:12 Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” It was the dawning of a new day when the Light, who is the Word made flesh, born of the Spirit left Mary’s womb, entered our darkness, and tabernacled among us. In Matthew 5:14 Jesus says, “You are the light of the world…”, and the cross made the fullness of those words a reality! Ancient writings and oral tradition Shared that Light for centuries, but God had something bigger in mind — the invention of the printing press in 1440. Through the printed page and modern technological advancements, we can all Share the Light with the masses like never before, as we press into 2025 through Him who strengthens us! Huge thanks to all of you who have made 2024 a record year of production and Kingdom advancement!
The collective prayers, generosity, testimonies, interviews, presentations, and evangelistic efforts of our Ambassadors are making a massive difference in the lives of multitudes! As we think of you, we share the Apostle Paul's sentiments in Philippians 1:2-6, "Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, For your fellowship in the Gospel from the first day until now; Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" He has promised to finish what He started in us, individually and collectively! Knowing that Jesus is the Author and Finisher of the Faith He placed in each of us (Hebrews 12:2) causes us to rejoice in all He has in store for 2025. He is our "Author and Finisher", not our Author and Quitter! 2 Timothy 2:13 says, "If we believe not, yet He abideth faithful: He cannot deny Himself." That's right! Our Father believes in the Christ in us, regardless of our doubts and shortcomings. He abides faithful and never stops loving, encouraging, instructing, and directing us! We are so thankful for our Almighty "Finisher" Who is unfolding some exciting things for 2025, to include an Ambassador Network rebranding with more effective communication and improved materials for your ministry. Stay tuned for more details! The power of God’s Spirit is evident in many secularized and closed countries, drawing and finding His lost sheep. Ministry partners and individuals are stepping up evangelism efforts. In Côte d’Ivoire, 18 churches with 366 volunteers handed out 174,643 tracts and Scripture booklets. They had 380 positive responses in a predominately Muslim area. God is raising up PEOPLE to labor in His harvest fields. This past year more individuals, small groups, and churches caught the vision for evangelizing with WMP booklets. First-time small orders have increased significantly over the past year – from a few booklets to pallets sent to countries such as Italy, the Philippines, and South Sudan. John Y. wrote, “We are doing street ministry in the United Kingdom, using The Path to Life handouts. They were truly incredible. They were so impactful that we quickly ran out and now need to reorder. It’s been inspiring to hear the amazing testimonies of salvation from those who have read these handouts.” Doors are opening to reach even farther with God’s Word. His Spirit has brought new PARTNERS to join in the sowing and reaping, with new opportunities for evangelism from Finland to Sri Lanka and Brazil to South Africa. We praise the Lord for the 100,000 Scripture booklets shared at the Summer Olympics, and for the new coordinator established in the United Kingdom as a result. Dear Ambassadors,
As we celebrate all that the Lord is doing in 2024, we look to 2025 as a year of faith, vision, and expansion for World Missionary Press and our Ambassador Network. Galatians 5:6 tells us that “Faith works by Love”, and His Love is drawing us to believe Him for an increase in prayer, partners, and productivity. Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” The Greek word for “transformed” is metamorphoō, from which we got the word “metamorphosis” in English. The Oxford Dictionary defines metamorphosis as “the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages.” Just as a caterpillar morphs into a butterfly, we look forward to our Ambassador Network expanding and soaring to new heights! The network might also undergo a name change as we trust the Lord to lengthen our “supply chain of Hope” exponentially. More prayer partners, more churches, more support, and much better presentation materials for you will mean more booklets, more evangelism, and more precious souls receiving the Love of Jesus! As we approach the new year, your pictures, videos, testimonies, and interviews from the field are more important than ever. We understand from experience that stories of lives changed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ bring forth infinitely more fruit than us sharing statistics of how much paper, ink, and staples we ship! Our “Share The Light” theme for December 2024 and January 2025 will be a taste of good things to come, so we encourage you to follow us closely on social media, emails, and our website- which should feature some exciting changes in the upcoming months. Yours in Sharing The Light, Joe Chadburn World Missionary Press Ambassador Network Director "In a village that had no church in the Congo, volunteer evangelists brought the entire village together around the Gospel. Distributing Soles for Jesus shoes and witnessing with World Missionary Press booklets transformed the entire village. Just as recorded in Acts 9:35 'all who dwelt in Lydda and Sharon saw him (the healed man) and turned to the Lord.' Jesus said, 'There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents'. What a celebration must have taken place in heaven when 138 people received the Lord as Savior."
-Brice D., Congo-Brazzaville "We do Gospel outreach Saturday and Sunday evenings in Cleveland, Ohio at our downtown public beach. We sing and preach the Gospel and have one-on-one conversations with so many people. We set up a table and offer Scriptures to the people in about a dozen languages. The last couple of years we have had to start ordering so many different languages. I wish you could be here and experience how open people are and hungry for truth. How beautiful it is to see so many different cultures coming to take God's Word home with them. Praise the Lord Jesus! Thank you so much for what you do, and may God bless you all richly as we work together to glorify Jesus by giving out His eternal all-powerful, life-changing Word." -Christian A., U.S.A. |
December 2024